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Accessible Fonts

    Creator: NNELS

    Date of Update: March 5, 2024


    There are a lot of varying opinions on how to do accessible fonts. There is no uniform consensus, but there are some general guidelines for publishers and presenters to pay attention to.

    The information on this page is summarized from the NNELS Accessible Fonts Resource.

    Quick Facts

    Our general recommendations come down to:

    • Use a sans serif font.
    • Do not use unnecessary embellishments like bold or italic. 
    • Keep it simple for colour: black text on a white background.
    • Documents and Websites: 14 points
    • Emails and Handouts: 12 points
    • Presentations: 20 points (and, also may use light text on a dark background)

    You may be wondering about dyslexic-friendly fonts like “OpenDyslexic”; some feel this font is much easier to read, and others feel that it is more difficult. Even those with dyslexia have told us: “I have become familiar with the visual shape of the words [in…] Times New Roman.” Thus, it is often easier to use a well-known font, even for those with difficulty reading certain fonts.

    Finally, and the most important, is that (where possible), you allow changing of the background and foreground colours, as well as the font itself. This enables those who do prefer a different font, or contrast, to adjust it themselves for a better experience.

    For more information, visit the NNELS Accessible Fonts webpage.


    National Network for Equitable Library Service. (2023, May 16). Accessible Fonts. National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS).