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Plain Language Checklist

    Creator: Government of British Columbia

    Date of Update: March 21, 2024


    When creating content for the general public, following these guidelines can help reduce confusion and additional explanations and improve accessibility.

    The information on this page is summarized from the Plain Language Checklist.

    Quick Checklist

    • Use descriptive titles and descriptions of content. This makes it easier to find via search engines.
    • Use lists instead of long sentences when possible.
    • Keep sentences short; 20 words maximum.
    • Keep paragraphs short; 5 sentences maximum.
    • If complex terminology is needed, create a glossary.
    • Aim for an eighth-grade reading level or lower. Tools are available to help you determine your reading level.

    Additional suggestions and resources can be found on the Government of British Columbia page.


    Hemingway Editor. (n.d.). Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear.

    Ministry of Citizens’ Services. (2024, January 26). Plain Language Checklist. Province of British Columbia.