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Website Accessibility Checklist

    Creator: Accessible Libraries

    Date of Update: November 2, 2023


    Creating an accessible website is crucial to ensure all users can access your website effectively. To simplify the process of familiarizing with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, we compiled a checklist which provides recommendations for making web content accessible, regardless of navigation methods.


    1. Semantic HTML:
      • Use proper HTML elements (e.g., headings, sections, lists, navigation menus) to structure content logically.
      • Conveys the purpose or content of all focusable elements by using unique and descriptive labels (e.g., buttons, links, images).
    2. Keyboard Navigation:
      • Ensure all interactive elements (links, forms, buttons) can be accessed and used via keyboard navigation.
      • Make sure the keyboard shortcuts do not interfere with the operating system and assistive technologies.
      • Implement a visible focus indicator (e.g., a border or highlight).
    3. Forms and Input Fields:
      • Label form fields appropriately.
      • Provide helpful error messages and suggestions for form validation.
      • Implement algorithms that do not require human input instead of using CAPTCHA.
    4. Tables:
      • Avoid using tables for layout purposes.
      • Ensure that tables are marked up correctly with headers.
    5. Contrast and Readability:
      • Maintain sufficient colour contrast between text and background to ensure readability.
      • Use clear and legible fonts with proper size and spacing.
      • Allow users to resize text without loss of content or functionality.
      • Avoid fixed font sizes and text position.
      • Ensure your website is responsive and works well on different devices and screen sizes.
    6. Multimedia Accessibility:
      • Provide captions and transcripts for audio and video content.
      • Implement controls for multimedia that allow users to pause, stop, or adjust volume.
    7. Clear communication:
      • Use simple language that is easy to understand.
      • Provide definitions for unusual words and abbreviations.
      • design and structure the page according to the audience’s needs.
    8. Testing and Validation:
      • Regularly have your website tested using assistive technologies to identify issues.
      • Train your team on web accessibility best practices to ensure ongoing compliance.
      • Continuously monitor and update your website to maintain accessibility as content and technologies evolve.
      • Include an accessibility statement on your website that provides contact information for accessibility related concerns.

    The checklist is available in Word and HTML formats:


    World Wide Web Consortium. (2023, September 21). Web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

    Deque University. (n.d.). Web accessibility checklist. Web Accessibility Checklist .