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Digital Content Creators

Creating Accessible Documents Webinar Recording

This recording of the Creating Accessible Documents webinar guides you through how to make an accessible Word document, including accessible tables, images, and document structure. The webinar includes demonstrations and examples of how you can start creating accessible documents.

Accessible Social Media Webinar Slides

The Accessible Social Media Webinar slides are available and feature the live demos that were part of the presentation. Topics covered include adding alternative text to images, emojis and hashtags.

Creating Accessible Documents Webinar Slides

The slides for the Creating Accessible Documents webinar are now available. Learn more about how to accessibly format your Word documents by using Styles.

Accessible Social

Accessible Social is a free resource to help guide creating and learning about creating accessible social media. Libraries can use this resource to help make their marketing and communications more accessible for all patrons.

Social Story: Ready for Reading

The Toronto Public Library (TPL) presents a Social Story to help children become familiar with their library. Social Stories are learning tools for children that describe different experiences and situations they will encounter when visiting their public library. TPL suggests that parents or teachers read this story with their children one or more times before visiting the library to make them feel comfortable about their visit.

Make Your Word Documents Accessible to People with Disabilities

Microsoft provides guidelines for creating accessible Word documents, including instructions and general best practices. This resource provides support for creating accessible Word documents in Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and the web version of Microsoft Word.

Guide to Image Descriptions, a website developed by the National Network of Equitable Library Service (NNELS), presents information and resources to help publishers, libraries, and other organizations create and provide access to accessible eBooks.

Quick Reference: Accessibility 101 For Public Libraries

To get you started on your accessibility journey, we’ve summarized information from the Accessibility 101 webinar. The fact and links in this training resource will help you establish foundational knowledge that you can build on.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Quick Reference

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations that were developed by Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) using the W3C Process. WCAG are the standards for digital accessibility and should be consulted throughout the development and maintaining of digital technologies.

A11Y Project

This website provides a WCAG compliance checklist that you can use to evaluate your digital content and a very comprehensive list of resources relevant to digital accessibility. This is one of the broader resource lists available online, and they do a great job breaking them down into relevant categories.

Described and Captioned Media Program

The Described and Captioned Media Program is a free-loan library of accessible educational media for teachers and family members of K-12 students. The videos available range in subjects from Art History to Sports and Recreation.

Audio Description Style Guide v 2.3

Netflix’s partner help center page contains some great resources for producing accessible content. Along with their captioning style guide, they also provide a style guide for adding audio descriptions to video content. Although the guide is meant for Netflix content, the information provided is more generally about videos and is applicable to anyone producing captions and audio descriptions.

English Timed Text Style Guide

Netflix has a comprehensive and well-written style guide for timed text/subtitles, which goes into great detail about handling the many situations in subtitles. As well as the English guide, there are also several other guides written in English that explain how to style timed text in 37 different languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese.

Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy

This free ebook contains essential information for web developers and organizations that want to ensure their digital content is fully accessible. The information is presented as various readings, hands-on activities, and a self-administered test to take at the end of each chapter.

Color Contrast Checker

TPGi’s free colour contrast checker tool allows you to quickly determine the contrast ratio of two colours simply using an eyedrop tool. Along with being accessible and user-friendly, the suggestions it generates are based on WCAG compliance and provide a checklist that reveals the compliance level of colour choices.

User Design, Illustration, and Typesetting

A data-driven examination of different types of disabilities encountered by various population demographics and how it impacts their access to digital content. The article presents statistics on groups of the population (demographics), different types of people, related issues, and some suggestions on how to resolve them.